About Expeeder
Expeeder Logistics has expanded into a modern well equipped and highly competitive service company within the shipping & Airline industry.
Mission Statement
We focus on our vision, mission, and central values as the long-term foundation for positive, value-creating cooperation with our customers, employees, and service providers.
sustainability is a holistic business approach to create and continuously improve a sustainable company delivering long term value for all our stakeholders
We support the principles outlined in the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights and commit ourselves to the observance of fundamental labor …
Learn how we’ve worked with our customers to deliver industry-focused solutions.
Find out the latest news and get familiar with what is happening in the world of logistics including rapid changes and operations
[psp_rs_organization orgtype=”Organization” name=”Expeeder Logistics” url=”https://expeeder.com” image=”https://expeeder.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/LOGO-sign-1.png” description=”Dedicated individuals who possessed rich experiences and worthy knowledge of every section of shipping business, have put their visions and expertise together in single shipping house name, Expeeder Logistics” street=”Block 14 Gulshan-e-Iqbal” pobox=”75300″ city=”Karachi” state=”Sindh” postalcode=”75300″ country=”Pakistan” map_latitude=”24.897465″ map_longitude=”67.077566″ email=”[email protected]” phone=”+922134891006″ fax=”+922134891005″]